Mickey Weadbrock, Writer
Mickey Weadbrock is currently a senior at Oak Hills and Weadbrocks’s first year writing in The Tartan, Weadbrock feels that Jacqueline Wright (mom) is the most influential person in her life. Weadbrock also helps with production of the Yearbook. Weadbrock is very passionate about singing and hopes to build up the confidence to sing freely in front of others. in the future, Weadbrock would like to go into real estate or trade school and hopes to move to Michigan after graduating. Weadbrock believes that time is more valuable than money and not to easily let naivety control you. Weadbrocks favorite quote is “ You could beg someone to heal you in all the ways you can’t heal yourself. But other people are not Bandages. You are your own Journey. The pain belongs to you.”- Courtney Peppernell.