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The Barrier

by Guest Writer Lila Gerdes

Donald trump's wall

Out of the many shining promises made by then-candidate Donald Trump that earned him so much attention during the 2016 presidential campaign, the one that continues to stir up controversy is his notorious border wall. Trump’s proposal to construct a physical barrier across the U.S.-Mexican border with the intention of keeping Mexican citizens fleeing from war-torn cities and a lack of opportunity out of the United States raises obvious concerns from an ethical standpoint. But there are other issues concerning the construction and maintenance of the wall that are less about emotion and more about data and statistics.


It’s not news that constructing a 1,900 mile impenetrable wall is expensive. At a Republican conference in Philadelphia, Senator Mitch McConnell estimated that it will cost around $12-15 billion dollars. That number itself could constitute an ethical argument, considering how underfunded other areas of the government deemed less critical than homeland security.   For example, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services, now receive 52 and 31 percent below their 2010 budget respectively. Yet 650 miles of fencing for Trump’s border wall have already been constructed, and the cost it has already taken causes Senator McConnell’s twelve to fifteen billion dollar budget appear miscalculated. To build 650 out 1,900 miles of simple fencing, which BBC claims could not be described “even charitably as impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, or beautiful,” cost American taxpayers $7 billion. At this rate, the basic structural blueprint of the wall will cost almost 20.5 billion dollars by the time it is finished. Another factor that is predicted to add to the ultimate cost of Trump’s wall is the obstacle of private land. In April 2017, the Democratic staff of the Department of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a report estimating that hundreds of acres of private land will have to be bought out in order to continue construction and could cost the United States millions of dollars.


Another less discussed cost of building a wall across the U.S.-Mexican border is its environmental impact. A physical barrier separating massive expanses of land can and will create major issues for animals that live in them and their habitats. Land animals who call the areas around the border home will not find it any easier to cross the border wall than it will be for illegal immigrants, cutting off their access to natural food and shelter and segregating entire populations. Even birds will suffer from the construction of a border wall in their habitat because it will likely lead to increased fatality due to collision with the manmade structure. An article from the Texas International Law Journal argues that the wall will cause “the destruction of otherwise protected habitat,” as its path traverses directly through “important ecological areas and refuges which were carefully designed by government bodies . . . on both sides of the border.” This will endanger the native species of those habitats, which will have already been “stripped of 95% of its native vegetation.” Unfortunately, the likely impact of the border wall on the environment is seldom discussed on platforms widely tracked by the public, so the public doesn’t concern or even think to concern themselves with the issue.


A good portion of Americans choose to leave the debate and decision making to the people who get paid to do so and consequently allow themselves to remain uninformed about the issues facing our country today. To be honest, it even required a graded essay for me to actively research the extent of the wall’s impact. Although this issue may not widely impact the United States right at this moment, those who remain ignorant to these situations because of it could be in for a shock when the real, unprecedented effects of Trump’s border wall become harder to ignore. And if the public does not educate themselves on this topic and speak for what they believe in, whether it be a conversation in school or a letter to a congressman, the costs affecting us will come pouring in.

School Security

by Guest Writer Maury Bibent

Gun statistic

With school shootings occurring at an increasing rate, gun control is a hot topic throughout the nation. Whether you think guns should be taken away or kept, it is an argument that doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon. It has been a discussion as old as the Second Amendment, but with recent mass shootings and illegal use, it is more relevant than ever. Seventeen people were shot and killed on February 14th of this year. The shooter, 19 year old Nicholas Cruz, had been previously expelled from Stoneman Douglas High School and was named a threat by his former teachers. Cruz allegedly “repeatedly espoused racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views and displayed an obsession with violence and guns,” reported CNN. According to CNN, he also wrote that he had written a letter to President Donald Trump and proclaimed: “I think I am going to kill people.”


Some people may blame this senseless violence on allowing people to purchase guns under age or not having to pass thorough background checks. That’s not the case. If someone wants something bad enough they will get it. Nowadays, it is easier to purchase a firearm on the black market than it is in a store. It may just be a block away. Sure, maybe taking guns out of name brand stores would slow the roll of a possible shooting, but it will not stop the actual shooting. I believe better background checks should come into play, but I also believe this will not stop the shootings. Security is the answer. Security is provided at any place with value; banks, airports, jewelry stores, political events, celebrity events, and even sporting events. Why would schools not be among that list? Is school not important enough to have its own security? You’d think it’d be number one on that list, but no one has seemed to catch on yet. While some may think this idea as outrageous or crazy, it’d be interesting to see what those same people would say if we took away security from the other said places.


Put yourself in an attackers mentality. If you wanted to start a fist fight out of pure anger, are you going to go for someone who is weaker than you, or stronger? Maybe this doesn’t apply to you. But imagine turning a “gun free”, “walk right in” school zone to a “heavily armed”, “trespassers will be shot” area and being able to back it up. Shooters are going to shoot regardless, someone has to be there to stop it from happening. Wayne Lapierre of the NRA stated at a press conference, “The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” It doesn’t take more than half a brain to take this into consideration.

Posted: April 11th, 2018

What Steams My Clams

by Zach Witt

Clam pun

Sex ed.  Although awkward for teachers and students alike, it is required to be taught in Ohio.  However, it is not required in all 50 states. Of the numerous things taught in High School, sex ed in undoubtedly one of the most important.  Unlike Calculus, material learned in sex ed will be used on a regular basis in adult life. From learning the correct way to put on a condom, preventing STD’s/STI’s, learning about the different methods of contraceptives, and learning skills to navigate ones sexual health, a good sex ed program is essential.


In Ohio, while it is required that sex ed is taught, it is not required that the information was given to students be medically accurate.  Meaning that those who teach the class could give false information to students. This poses many problems, including increased student confusion on the already vague teachings of sex ed.  For example, it was reported, by a study that surveyed high school students in New York, that only 9% of the students were completely satisfied with what they had learned in sex ed, while over half (57%) were still confused and wanted to learn more about contraceptives and venereal disease prevention.

 Moreover, the sex ed program that is taught by Oak Hills is very vague on the teaching of contraceptives, with not a single lesson about them on the online health class students are required to take.  Also, there is nothing taught about different sexualities, and the lessons are very unclear about giving consent. Furthermore, sex is ed is taught to students in a way to persuade them into not having sex.  However, national surveys conclude that almost half of the student body in any high school (47%) has either had sex or is currently sexually active. With these statistics, it is imperative that a better sex ed program is put into place that discusses contraceptive use, safe sex, and consent, rather than stressing  abstinence-until-marriage as the only acceptable method.


With all of the abstinence-only teachings, one would think that the US would have one of the lowest teen-pregnancy rates, however, this is not true.  The US has the highest teen birth rates out of all of the industrialized world. This stems from teen confusion around different birth controls and lack of sexual education.  If sex ed programs were more well-rounded, teen birth rates would decrease, the spread of STDs would decrease, and teenage ignorance to things concerning sex would decrease. Seeing how it would be more beneficial to implement a different, more well-rounded sex ed course, it really steams my clams that Oak Hills and other schools alike haven’t done it yet.

Student Turned Welder

by Guest Writer Tyler Grenne


For some people, school is great. You meet new people, form new friendships, and have a lot of different experiences. While some find it easy, others it’s a struggle. For Nate Sherrill, school was something he dreaded everyday and he couldn’t wait for it to end. His passions were outside of school.  He grew up riding and working on bikes, playing basketball, and running around outside all day. He wasn't the kid who sat inside and played video games. He always enjoyed actively working on things. This meant he never liked sitting in a classroom, learning things he knew he would never end up using. He wasn’t the person who studied for tests or enjoyed doing worksheets. Luckily for him though, he turned school into something he loved doing.


Sherrill was a student at Oak Hills for his first two years of high school. “I hated school” Sherrill said, and he meant it. He didn’t hate school because of peers. He had a lot of friends and was never bullied. He was a normal high school teenager who just didn’t do well with the idea of school. He just found school to be rather boring.  As a result, his grades were not the greatest and he was grounded sometimes by his mom for it. School for him was not applicable to what he dreamed of becoming. Classwork and projects seemed to be a waste of his time. His attitude did not help his situation or idea of school.


At the start of his Junior year, Sherrill switched to Diamond Oaks where he planned to become a welder.  His outlook on school changed immediately. Being a student who always loved to work with “things,” welding was a natural fit.  In addition, welders are in high demand at this current time, providing many high paying jobs. Sherrill sees this as a great opportunity for his future.  This also meant no more normal school for Sherrill. School would now become a place where he could thrive and do something with his time spent there.


Sherrills interests were in cars, go karts, dirt bikes and things like that. He would tell his friends “ I will own a Nissan GTR one day” which was a big goal. As a welder, however, this was an achievable goal. Being a welder meant he could work on go karts and cars which really sparked his passion for it. When asked if Diamond Oaks was a better fit for him than Oak Hills he stated “It doesn’t even feel like school, I love it here”. Now he was out of classrooms and in a shop environment. Instead of the constant sound of kids talking and bells ringing, he now hears grinding, cutting, different machines and of course welding. This change proved to be exactly what Sherrill needed.


He still had to take classes at Diamond Oaks but, his mood and outlook on school was infinitely better. When asked about his thoughts on classes at Diamond Oaks he said, ”The classes are way easier and I don't mind getting up to go to school anymore.” His grades improved and he works hard not only in welding class, but in school in general. He likes what he is doing and knows if he is good and he can go places. He says, “I want to work on the pipeline and have my own truck with my own welder on it”. This is his main goal and he without a doubt has what it takes to do it.


Today, Sherrill is one of the top welders in his class. According to Mr. Wilson at Diamond Oaks,  “Nate’s a very good welder”. Mr. Wilson is a longtime welder who has done it since high school, he knows a good welder when he sees one. He stays busy and is always doing projects in the lab. He tells his friend, “I love welding, this is what i wanna do for the rest of my life”. Not a bad choice for a career either. Welders can get jobs in the city, on military bases, in shops across the world and pretty much anywhere that there's metal. He definitely is on track to be very successful. It just goes to show how important it is to love what you do.

Posted: March 7th, 2018

Oak Hills' "Other" NHS

by Guest Writer Maria Zalot

National Honors society poster

Most of Oak Hills High School knows about National Honor Society, but many do not know about the other community service club at work in our school. When hearing Key Club, one often immediately thinks the club actually makes keys, however, that is not the case. The Oak Hills High School (OHHS) Key Club is a small club with a big purpose. They want to bring about a significant change in the community of OHHS and promote a spirit of community service among the students.


The OHHS Key Club is a part of the global Key Club program. There are currently thousands of clubs in more than 30 countries. The mission statement states, “Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.” Their core values include leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. For the last two years, the Cheviot Westwood Kiwanis Club has sponsored the OHHS club along with many others at surrounding high schools like La Salle and Mercy. The local Kiwanis Club donates money to allow the Key Clubs to continue to fund their service projects and to help keep membership dues down for students.


In comparison to local high schools, our Key Club is very small. Though OHHS has more students, there are less members of the club than at other schools.  Furthermore, it is significantly smaller than Oak Hill’s National Honor Society. Senior and Event Coordinator for the club, Meghan Lloyd, says “Key Club is not NHS. They are two very different clubs. Key Club is open to everyone in the school.” Unlike NHS, which one must be invited to join, a student from any grade can join Key Club and there is not requirement for service. Members are expected to participate in all the events that they possibly can but a certain hour requirement is not needed to remain in the club.


Though most may not realize, Key Club has been very active this year. Every year, Key Club and Drama Club team up for Trick and Treat so Kids can Eat and collect can goods for local food pantries. Members also participated in collecting money for Feed a Highlander at football and basketball games. Most recently, members made valentines for residents at Bayley Place and the club is planning a volunteer opportunity at a Foodbank for spring break.


The club is most proud of celebrating Oak Hills first National Custodian Appreciation Day. Key Club made posters and cards for the custodians and had an announcement on the morning announcements.  Lloyd says, “...we enjoy celebrating the staff that helps our school run everyday. Most students don’t even realize how much they do for us on a daily basis.” Key Club is planning to celebrate our secretaries in April and our lunch ladies in May.


Overall, the OHHS Key Club is a growing club with great ideas and motives. They are only held back by the lack of participation and wish the students of OHHS would get more involved. When asked what the future of Key Club is, Lloyd responded, “We want more people to get involved and to get involved early. This is a great club for Freshman and Sophomores to get involved with community service before NHS.   The club is also looking to add students and gain momentum. While some people sign up to look good on their college applications, the club is hoping to gain more traction with a more involved population. “We want OHHS to participate fully, not just in name.”

Posted: March 7th, 2018

Senior Capture? What's the Point? 

by Mr. Haegeman

Teacher points at student

Glancing through news today, stories of hate are everywhere.  A student at Ross High School shoots another.  A student pulls a fire-alarm and guns down 17 in Florida.  A woman downtown, over a social media fight, runs over a college student, effectively ending two promising lives.  All of these stories have all appeared on in the last 24 hours.  Unfortunately, the news cycle never stops and there is no shortage of stories that follow the same pattern.   


Being in education, much of the school's role is to provide students a safehaven and positive learning environment.   Yes we teach math, history, and music, but we also teach kids how to respect themselves, have confidence, and prepare to be productive citizens.  We teach tolerance and character as much as anything else.  


Which leads me to the Senior Capture.  Maybe it is generational?  Maybe I am “getting old.”  Maybe I just don’t get it.  Senior capture is the “tradition” that started somewhere in the last four to five years.  Sidebar - this is a relatively new phenomenon and NOT a tradition.  Underclassman girls from various organizations capture their senior teammates.  Usually this takes place at the end of the season while the teams are in the crucial portion of their tournament seasons.  Team members typically go to each girls home, wake them up around 4:00 - 5:00 A.M, dress the girls like clowns, smear their face with make-up, and take them out into the community for breakfast.  After that, the girls come to school where they walk the halls and classes in their ridiculous outfits.  Despite the fact that most teenagers already get too little sleep and this is somewhat detrimental to the success of these teams, what is the point?  Sure, I get the bonding argument.  But, the “we have always done it” argument holds far less water.  I have reached out to countless alumni and most have stated that this “tradition” was never part of their experience.   


I understand that many see it a simply good ole-fashion fun.  But if fun and celebrating seniors is the goal, why not change and start a new tradition that truly embraces the good and positive that is often brought forth by team sports and activities?  What if the Oak Hills culture embraced a new tradition that valued and celebrated accomplishments?  What if we praised the sacrifice, leadership, and dedication that these Seniors have put into their organizations over the last four years, rather than attempting to humiliate them?  


It is easy enough to find others that will be cruel; those that will try to diminish accomplishments.  We are better than this “tradition.”  As athletes, you have an opportunity to be leaders of change that can showcase and highlight your teammates.  So capture your seniors.  Take them to breakfast.  Show the community and your school how great many of these girls are and how you value what they have brought to your respective sports over the last four years.  Celebrate!  

Posted: February 15th, 2018

valentines day

Valentine's Day

by Katelyn Powers

Valentines day card

According to, “February 14th, observed in honor of St. Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection.” Everybody has their own formed opinions on Valentine’s Day, some people are excited for it, but others dread it. One very famous opinion is that the day was created by Hallmark to help bring in more profit for their corporation. As people grow up, their perspective on Valentine’s day may become altered or completely change, usually they will start to agree with the whole Hallmark take over. For me, it is still celebrated the same as from when I was a child in the 2nd grade; I have always loved February 14th.  


In elementary school, the annual Valentine’s Day party was always such a big hit. Everyone came into the decorated classroom with big smiles on their faces. Honestly, I think it was because my class peers knew we were going to eat a lot of yummy snacks made by our famous class moms. We would all anxiously sit around the room with our little boxes full of Valentine’s to pass out to each other, of course our friends always got the good ones.

The holiday isn’t much different for me now. Being a senior in high school, I still go out to buy Valentines and candy for my friends and teachers. When I hand them out, it gives me such a rush of excitement. I love to see the look on their faces when they receive it. Most of the time it is an expression of “what are you doing?” But, it always ends with a smile. Although I don’t have anyone to spend the day with, my mom makes me feel special and loved by giving me a card, stuffed animal, and a box of my favorite candy every year.

Valentine’s Day will always be an exciting time for me because I enjoy seeing the happiness from the people that surround me, whether it be in the hallways or at my work. The gifts that are distributed are adorable and the smiles are contagious. It is amazing to see how much the little things can spread so much joy.

Posted: February 14th, 2018

Oven Roasted vs. Deep Fried Turkey

Oven Roasted vs. Deep Fried Turkey

by Leah Lindemann


As the holidays are in full force, spending time with family and eating good amounts of food is a must.The big debate these past few weeks is which way to cook a turkey tastes better; roasted or fried? There are different advantages and disadvantages between the turkeys. First of all, having a roasted turkey includes not having to buy an expensive fryer. The disadvantage to cooking a turkey in the oven is that it can take up to six hours depending on the size. The advantage of fried turkey is, fried can take up to only 45-50 minutes to make depending on the size.  A downfall to the fried option is that with all of the equipment, could cost up to a few hundred dollars but a perk to that is the fact that you can use the fryer many times, not just once.


Our first option is the classic oven roasted turkey. This is usually the basic kind every family normally has if they celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. Senior Grace Hissett bandwagons along with the generic style turkey. She prefers oven roasted over fried because she has not experienced the deliciousness, yet. Grace feels as though when she is a mom and is the star of making the food, she will forsure make roasted turkey.


The second option is the deep fried turkey. If you want a turkey that is full of flavor without having to add gravy to spice it up, this option is just for you. Junior Audrey Lindemann much rather prefers this option over the latter. Unlike Grace, Audrey has had both options plenty of times to decide which she likes better. Audrey thinks that if she were a mom, she would make sure both turkey’s were prepared because she thinks Thanksgiving would not be the same without both.


Both options are great, so whatever you decide on make sure you have the best side dishes to make it even better! Happy Holidays from The Tartan.

Posted: December 6th, 2017

The Importance Of History

by Nathan Brown

Keep Calm and lean history

Typically, it’s very easy to celebrate traditional holidays without possessing any knowledge of why we do it. This problem affects all major holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, and so on. Our school and education programs haven’t been doing  their job of educating us about things that truly matter, such as historical knowledge that will impact people for the rest of their lives. I can speak from personal experience and say that the last time I remember being educated on holidays was during the 2nd grade. Throughout my time at Oak Hills High School, none of my history teachers have mentioned anything about the history of such holidays. I interviewed  Riley Folzenlogen, a sophomore at OHHS, whom I am close friends with, to get additional feedback about her education on holidays. To compare, I also interviewed Ms. Outt, a history teacher at Oak Hills, to get a different point of view. I believe teachers have a responsibility to educate our students on issues that will affect them for the rest of their lives. In a turnout that completely surprised me, Riley and Ms. Outt had very similar outlooks on the subject.


   From a student perspective, holidays are just excuses to have a day or two off. While it’s easy to look at things with such a narrow perspective, it’s very important to realize the significance of why you’re off, or celebrating. However, Riley possesses a perspective that isn’t in line with the typical Oak HIll’s student. When asked how much she values history, she replied,“History is evidence for how we as people have changed in many aspects. I couldn’t appreciate as many things as I do without history.” Riley also believes most teenagers and people only value things that directly benefit themselves, and only care about the time off associated with Thanksgiving. She admits that Thanksgiving hasn’t played a huge role in her life, but it has taught her to value the people close to her.


   Riley’s main point was that she believes people should know why they’re celebrating a holiday such as Thanksgiving because “if people don’t know then there is no real meaning to the holiday itself.” I asked her the question that I had always wondered myself, “ What changes could be made at Oak Hills in order to bring more attention to the History of Thanksgiving, or holidays in general?” She replied in a way that I thought most students wouldn’t, “Thanksgiving should be told as it actually happened. Not sugarcoated, just blunt and honest. Instead of glossing over the topic for 20 minutes at the beginning of class. We should be taught about Thanksgiving, and every other national holiday we are off school for.” Overall, Riley supports the idea of educating the students here at Oak Hills about the history of Thanksgiving.


   Members of the faculty also believe that history is important for many reasons. For example, Ms. Outt, a history teacher here at Oak Hills, believes that “it is very important to understand where traditions originated especially in the case of Thanksgiving, a holiday that has been celebrated for hundreds of years.” However, the thing keeping her from her incorporating the history of Thanksgiving into her lesson plan is the crunch for time. As she puts it, “ the time crunch is definitely felt around the holidays. If I had time, I would incorporate it into the lesson plan we’re currently studying, so it doesn’t stick out to the students.” Her family has always valued Thanksgiving because she has a very small family, which is spread out through Kentucky and Indiana. Thanksgiving provided her family with a way to see each other and reconnect. She also grew up with family traditions such as cooking with her family, smelled food, had recipes passed down, and spent Black Friday shopping with her family. When asked how much she thought students would value being educated on the history of Thanksgiving, she replied, “ I believe students would somewhat value it because it’s a holiday that majority families celebrate.” She also said that in order to make students truly care, she would have to make it more personal for them. She does think that students would be more interested in learning about Thanksgiving than learning about required class material. Overall, she agrees that the knowledge of Thanksgiving, as well as other holidays, is a vital part of education to students.


   As you can see, both the student and teacher perspective on the importance of the history of Thanksgiving are very much alike. Students, especially here at Oak Hills, should be educated on the holidays they celebrate, because without that knowledge, celebrating the holiday without meaning isn’t worth celebrating at all. I completely agree with that sentiment as well. Knowledge of things that will affect our whole lives is the most important kind of knowledge that one can possess, and the fact that our education systems have been avoiding this is something that needs to be changed. Students should value their education, and providing a personal connection to it is the perfect way to get them too.

Posted: December 1st, 2017

the importance of history

Cell Phones: Addictive Helpful

by Morgan Higgins

Cell phones

 In this day and age, everyone has a phone. Toddlers are playing with devices at the early ages of two or three, which makes them ready to have a phone by age seven. Parents offer phones to their ten and eleven year olds 60% of the time, while other kids aren’t given a phone until they are able to pay for it themselves. About six to seven billion people have access to mobile phones. If you thought that wasn’t shocking, only about four and a half billion people have access to working toilets, and two and a half billion people have proper sanitation. You see people using them everywhere, such as in restaurants, in stores, walking around, and even in bathrooms. Most people believe that phones are necessary in this world, because they provide instant communication. This communication helps parents with child safety.


In a different perspective, they are seen as a big distraction, They get rid of personal connections that can be made in the real world and make people become less observant of the world around them.


Weighing in on this topic are two highlanders from completely different ends of the spectrum. Madelyn Wilke is a Senior and has had a total of three phones since the sixth grade, while Logan Herr has gone his whole life without the use of a phone.


Madelyn has six different social media accounts. She uses most of them everyday to keep in touch with people she doesn't see on a regular basis. Her social media accounts include: 335 facebook friends, 309 instagram followers, and 82 snapchat streaks. She believes that she doesn’t use them as a distraction, as she always puts away her phone in class or at family gatherings. She doesn’t think that her phone is essential to her, but it is an easier way for her mother to keep tabs on her when she is out and about. In the future she plans to give her child a phone, but not until they prove to be responsible. She doesn’t want her children to overuse data and in fact, she would encourage her children to go out with friends. She doesn’t want their cellphones to be their excuse for not doing anything in their life.


Logan thinks that a phone would be a nice way for communication, but doesn’t believe that social media would be beneficial for him. He does not have any social media at all, as he believes, in general, that both phones and social media are a distraction. Finally, he said that he would certainly give his child a phone, but not until they are around fifteen or sixteen years old. Logan thinks that his opinion could possibly change in the future, but he wouldn’t like the idea of his children having a phone at an early age because it is terrible for their eyes and addicting.


Our family plays a huge part in what we believe and think. It seems that our perception and opinions of phones have to do with what you grew up with. If you were given a phone at a young age, you would be inclined to do the same in the future for the benefits and reasons your parents have said to you. If you grew up believing that phones are a distraction then that was just how you were raised. With that, you would be more likely to wait to give your child a phone in the future. Whatever your opinion is, make sure that what you’re doing is responsible and that you are doing it for the best reasons.



Posted: October 10th, 2017

Visting Miami

by Hailey Parker

Miami University

As senior year approaches, college visits become an essential part of your final year of high school. Knowing what your future holds starts with knowing where you want to go to school. One rather interesting school has to be Miami Oxford. Miami has several aspects that make it as Robert Frost states, ¨The most beautiful campus that ever there was.¨ From the hilarious student traditions to the amazing array of organizations, Miami Oxford has the makings of an unforgettable college.


Right from the start, Miami grabs the potential student´s attention with two crucial facts. First off, Miami Oxford is an Original Public Ivy school. This means that it offers an Ivy League college experience at the price of a public school. Public Ivy schools are considered capable of competing with Ivy League schools. Miami is also the #1 Public Undergraduate school and the second in public universities for ¨Strong Commitment to Undergraduate Teaching” a recognition given to only 19 national universities. Second, it holds the second most photographed building in the United States, Maccracken Hall. Most often seen on postcards sent home to parents from the campus, Maccracken Hall is a beautiful building located in the perfect spot for a fantastic picture, highlighting the beauty of the campus.

Miami Oxford offers many different organizations and sports programs. These include their incredible hockey team as well as the dutiful ¨Miami Student¨, writers of the student newspaper. In total, Miami has over 400 different student organizations available to students enrolled at the campus. With so many choices, there's no excuse not to be involved at some point in your college career. There´s something for everyone, even if you´re not an athletic person.


Throughout your college experience, you will accomplish many things. You will make new friends, participate in different classes, and  cheer on your college at different sporting events. If you're stressed and need a break, don't forget that you can always go study or take a nap in the Shade Family Room, a room in one of the buildings that´s loved by Miami students for its comfortable chairs and quiet atmosphere. Don´t let college stress you out too much and be sure to visit as many colleges as you can to figure out which is the best fit for you.

Posted: October 9th, 2017

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