The Oak Hills Engineering Foundations boat races are back up this year on February 4. The boat races have been going on for five years, now taught by Mr. Continenza. The class is highly recommended by many taking the class, senior Chloe Spohr had this to say; “It gives me a break from my stressful day because it is such a fun class.” Before we tell you who won the boat races let’s learn a little about them.
The Oak Hills boat races have been going strong with many students from other classes going to watch during their school day. The race consists of three classes filled with students who have about the whole month of January to finish their boats. This year was a little different though, Mr. Continenza says “But with missing five days of school… things got a little bit tight but everyone did a really great job adapting.” So yes, the weather and missed school days do affect the student’s ability to build and finish their boats. They are only allowed to use two 10×8’ cardboard pieces, two trash bags, and duct tape. This may seem not enough to make a boat that can hold a person but shockingly it is enough.
However, not all boats are winners. Some boats sink before they can even start the race which is disappointing for the students who spent their time making them like our dear friend Chloe and her team’s boat. The class is more student-led, although Mr. Continenza says “I really want everyone’s boat to at least float so I give a lot of directions… to make sure they don’t go down a bad rabbit hole.” So if a team needed a little advice, the teacher would help them out. Mr. Continenza also taught his students about buoyancy, friction between the boat and the water, and how to paddle their boats.
Though some boats are winners such as Matthew Bertram’s, Corbing Hazlett’s, and Prestin Berting’s boats. When asked why their boats did so well Prestin said, “I think our boat did so well because of its kayak design with the rounded bottom which helped keep us afloat and stable.” They focused on making their boat the most productive and what they thought they would do the best instead of some others who focused on making theirs funny or “good” looking. This is what helped them the most in winning two class bells of the boat races.
Mr. Contenenza has done the boat races during this time each year to hopefully get many kids wanting to join his class. Even at the end of the races, he announces; “This class is called Engineering Foundations, if you would like to take it, tell your counselor and sign up. Hopefully, I’ll see you next year!” This proves that he wants people to take this class which shows the passion he has for these amazing boat races and how he wants them to be great. The turnout in the classes is what makes these so great because then there will be more competition.