Oak Hills High School has adopted new pre-apprenticeships and career path opportunities for students. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Kristen Listerman, the teacher organizing the programs, and was able to get full insight into the programs and the purpose they strive to achieve. Listerman has provided what options may be available to students: “There are several different pathways; we have our Construction and Architecture pathway, we have the Information Technology pathway which revolves around our UC early it classes (College Credit Plus classes via the University of Cincinnati), and we have a Health Science pathway which we are currently building.” However, these are not the only programs that Oak Hills intends to offer for next year: “We have a couple pathways that aren’t quite ready yet which are Manufacturing, Law and Public Safety, then Hospitality and Tourism, and our last pathway functions a little differently but we have our Future Education pathway.”
Now you may be asking, what’s the purpose of these programs and how do they differ from the Great Oaks Career Campus, which continues to offer early career services to OHHS students? Listerman has explained, “They’re not meant to replace the Great Oaks system, they have far more comprehensive programs than we could ever offer here.” The pre-apprenticeship opportunities offered at OHHS are meant to provide students with early insight into their future possible careers, while the Great Oaks campuses also focus on earning students specialty credits and certifications. However, the pre-apprenticeship opportunities may be the better option for some students. “The Great Oaks application has become severely extensive, we don’t want students to feel lost when they may have gotten rejected from the program.” The opportunities at Oak Hills may also be a better fit for students who do not want to leave campus.
But what exactly do the pre-apprenticeships look like for students? Each pathway may function a little differently, let’s take a look at each program offered at OHHS:
Architecture & Construction
The Architecture & Construction Program is intended to equip students with the elementary skills and early experiences necessary in the construction field and project management. All students are required to take Algebra 1, Geometry, and English 2 (which are core requirements and necessary for all students to graduate) prior to enrolling in the program. It is also recommended (but not required) that students take Building Foundations 101: An Introduction to Construction, Building Futures 102, Advanced Carpentry & Design 103, and Architectural Drawing in compliance with the program. The first of the three being industry credentials in the state of Ohio. The program works with Trade 31 and Danier Electric as business partners.
Information Technology
The information technology program works in conjunction with the Early IT Technology Courses, which have been offered at Oak Hills as college credits via The University of Cincinnati. The program is intended to open opportunities to students and allow them to get a head start on their careers. Students must take any 2 of the UC information technology courses and Microsoft Office Applications. Students may also take any of the remaining UC information technology courses, AP Computer Science Principles, or AP Computer Science A to increase their knowledge in the field. INTERalliance and Vartek are business partners for the program.
Health Sciences
The health sciences program seeks to offer opportunities to students interested in the field. Students are required to take Health (a core requirement for all students), Biology (a core requirement), and Anatomy & Physiology I (advanced science is a core requirement). Students may also take Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology II, Food Science, Nutrition, & Wellness, and Genetics to increase their understanding of the field.
Education & Training
The education and training program works off of the education courses offered at OHHS: Intro to Education (CCP), Educational Technology (CCP), and Honors Education Foundation & History of Individuals with Specialties, which students interested in the program are required to take. The program works with Mt. St. Joseph University and elementary schools within the Oak Hills Local School District to equip students with opportunities in the field of education.
Advanced Manufacturing
The program is intended to develop core skills and opportunities for interested students. All students must take Algebra 1, Geometry, and English 2 (which are core requirements) to participate in the program. The program partners with Durana Hybrid (and possibly some new businesses in the future) to offer opportunities to students.
Now, how do interested students initiate the pre-apprenticeship/career path process? Listerman says: “Make an appointment!” There are links posted in each student’s Class of —- Google Classroom.
There is also a website with more information on the program: https://www.ohlsd.us/oak-hills-high-school/college-and-career-readiness-%28ccr%29-29/pre-apprenticeship-%2B-career-pathways-124/
Overall, the program may vary for each student in general. A student’s experience in any program may look like having a modified schedule to leave school for an apprenticeship or just being exposed to the field in any possible way while continuing their academic studies at Oak Hills. Listerman has been working hard to map out Highlander futures and ensure opportunities for a plethora of students.