After 20 years of teaching, Kyle Funk has impacted the lives of thousands of students. Funk hasn’t just taught students about the US Government and Psychology, he has taught leadership. The leadership retreat is a trip Oak Hills High School Students take every fall. The three-day retreat involves student bonding, building connections with staff, and making lifelong friendships. Funk has been a part of this tradition for 11 years as a National Honor Society advisor. Each year, staff at the high school nominate students they believe demonstrate leadership. “There are so many fond memories made each year,” Funk stated in an interview. The retreat, run by the National Honor Society and Student Council, puts the leadership at Oak Hills on display. At the same time, students collaborate in games, engage in team bonding activities, and make lifelong memories.
Funk defines a leader as someone who “will lead by example and do the right thing when nobody’s watching. They don’t have to be super out there but someone who will take charge but also delegate. Someone who will assist with what has been delegated, and doesn’t tell everyone what to do and how to do it.” In his experience as a leader in the classroom, Funk knows the meaning of leadership.
This year, the leadership retreat will be held at Camp Joy, despite mostly being held at Camp Campbell Gard in years past. The decision from advisors Funk and Allison Papathanas, was made with students’ interests in mind. When asked the reason for the change, Funk stated, “We wanted to try a new venue, it was getting stale going to the same place. A change of scenery for staff and students allows us to do new activities on the trip, and keep students who go every year engaged.” Funk, along with other advisors believe Camp Joy will be favored by students rather than Camp Cambell Gard in some aspects, “Camp Campbell Gard is under YMCA, whereas Camp Joy is independent and they stress the idea of community. They have smaller lunch rooms to encourage people to talk and interact, which really enlightened us and matched our mission; to bring a sense of community and belonging.” These considerations prove how Funk pays attention to what his students would most benefit from and encourages them to be the best version of themselves even when they aren’t at school. While Oak Hills High School staff plays a huge role in the activities and experience each year, the camp staff also play a vital role in the trip. As Funk stated, the leadership retreat as we know it would not be possible without the help of the camp counselors.
One of the retreat’s main goals is for students to step out of their comfort zones, which is achieved year after year. Through high ropes courses, zip lines, and rock climbing walls, Funk even helped Papathanas step out of her comfort zone! Papathanas describes Funk as a “team player, who is always late.” Through their years collaborating as NHS advisors, Funk and Papathanas have built a trusting friendship. While she may have been hesitant at first glance, this experience proves further how Funk leads by example for everyone at Oak Hills, including his colleagues.
The leadership retreat has always been and will continue to be a right of passage for Oak Hills High School’s most cardinal students. Each year brings new memories, experiences, and friendships. As Funk has expressed, “This is an experience to bring everyone together, no matter who your friends are or your passions, we are all leaders.”