Double, double toil and trouble. The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company performed a shortened version of Macbeth in the Oak Hills Auditorium on March 18, 2025. The company visited to perform for several English 2 classes, and the invitation was extended to students from other English classes who wished to attend as well. The abridged show took place during third bell and carried over into the first half of X-bell. This particular troupe also performs Romeo and Juliet, however, they did not perform that here.
Many students at Oak Hills have read Macbeth; however, watching proves to be a very different experience from reading. Watching Shakespeare being performed on stage does–for me at least–improve comprehension of the playwright’s work. Seeing the emotions and facial expressions along with the words increases understanding of what the words actually mean.
The cast consisted of only four actors, meaning that each played several roles. For simplicity’s sake they all wore a base outfit, then layered other costume pieces on top to differentiate characters. Four folding chairs in a line sat facing the back of the stage, this was where an actor would wait and change until they were required in a scene. Similarly, a stack of six boxes/drawers could be separated and moved depending on what was needed for each scene; these boxes also held any required props. In lieu of the skipped scenes, occasionally, there would be a short exposition embedded in a scene change.
Following the play, there was a Q&A with the actors. The questions ranged from “What is your least favorite play?” to “How do you keep serious when you’re acting?” In regard to the former, the cast had a unanimous animosity toward the play Our Town. As for the latter, they answered that not only are they enthralled with the scene, but they are also so consumed by changing costumes and making sure the play runs smoothly to think about laughing. Additionally, they discussed the common theater superstition that saying the name “Macbeth” in a theater (outside of performance) is bad luck; suffice it to say that the Oak Hills theater might now be cursed. Hopefully, the drama club won’t be too affected in their upcoming production.
Personally, I thought the performance was very good. Seeing as there was a small cast, limited stage space, and shortened time, they were able to create something very impressive. Throughout the play, the audience was engaged, and they were willing to ask questions at the end, so it can be said that many other students enjoyed it as well. The performers are clearly all passionate about what they do, and they were able to take that passion on stage to be shared with the audience.