Second semester, graduation, Nerf Wars, senior lunch, academic signing, and prom. Seniors, as you move on from high school and think about your future, it is important to not forget about savoring the moment and remembering all of the fun things you get to do in the now. The second semester is one of the most important times of year for the seniors. Graduation usually means new beginnings, but others can see it as the end of something they have always known. The activities seniors get to do celebrate their accomplishments and show them that there will always be a support team behind them.
Nerf Wars
The first activity seniors get to do in the second semester is participating in Nerf Wars. This is a fun game where seniors make teams of 6-8 seniors that go to Oak Hills. They will get put against one other team a week and try to get the other members out via Nerf gun. The cost to play is $10 each, and the total earnings that the winners receive is around $1000. This is a fun way to get students involved in a whole grade activity and to bring them together outside of school. The game is student-led and it is only allowed to be played off of school grounds.
The second activity that seniors get to do in the second semester is going to prom. This year’s prom is on April 26, from 7-11 p.m.. The prom is at the Cincinnati Museum Center, Union Terminal. Seniors can run for Prom King and Queen starting at the end of March – early April. Prom is one of the many desired senior activities. Although Juniors also get to go to prom and plan it, seniors get to enjoy their last school dance with their friends and some of their favorite teachers as chaperones. But going to the actual prom isn’t even the best part of the night. “After Prom” is one of the events that students and teachers both look forward to. This event runs after prom is over and it provides food, drinks, games, and raffles to students who stay the whole time. This benefits the kids because it rewards them, funds the school and its activities, and keeps students from making poor decisions on the night out.
Towards the end of the year, graduating seniors will be practicing the graduation ceremony, and attending senior lunch. On May 12, 2025, graduating seniors will report to Oak Hills around 7:45 a.m. to depart on the bus to the Cintas Center. Around 9 a.m., students will start the practice ceremony and will be back at Oak Hills around 11:00 a.m. Following the ceremony, there will be a senior lunch where students can mix and mingle with their friends remembering the good and closing out their high school journey.
Academic Awards
The last day that seniors are in school is Friday, May 16, 2025. Students will receive a senior breakfast in the commons from 9-9:30 a.m. From 9:30-10 a.m., students will have a meeting in the auditorium. From 10-12:00 they will have the senior tailgate in the parking lot. Students will take pictures, talk, and have fun talking about their plans for college and the workforce. While that is happening, there will also be a senior awards ceremony from 10:30-12:15. During this award ceremony, the school will be honoring the senior Academic ’O’ recipients, Athletic signed seniors and senior recognition students. Finally from 12:30-1:00 p.m., the top 10% of ranked seniors will show off their college signing in the New Gym.
Seniors are not only honored but also congratulated at Oak Hills for whatever path they are taking after high school. They are graduating with the Highlander Family supporting them always and that is a blessing. The second semester can be scary, but with all of these activities, it is important to realize that it is okay to be confused about the future but to live in the now and acknowledge your accomplishments and opportunities to connect. Congratulations Class of 2025!